It hosted the games in1908 and in1948, but London today is a very different city than the one that last hosted the Olympics in the austere years right after the end of World War two. 但今天的伦敦同二战刚刚结束后在那个艰难岁月中举办奥运会相比,已发生了翻天覆地的变化。
James Madison is right& which is why, even as we remain vigilant about the threat of terrorism, we must move beyond a mindset of perpetual war. 詹姆斯麦迪逊说得对正因为如此,即使在继续对恐怖主义威胁保持警惕的同时,我们也必须走出持久战争的思维模式。
They are to be found everywhere in China, and therefore the problem of compromise is liable to crop up within the anti-Japanese front at any time and will probably remain with us right until the end of the war. 这类人中国各地都有,因此,抗日阵线中随时可能发生的妥协问题,恐怕终战争之局也不会消灭的。
Analysis of the right outlook of war history held by Japanese government after World war2. 战后日本政府战争史观右倾化及原因论析。
He was called up right at the beginning of the war. 他是在战争刚开始的时候被征召入伍的。
The right kind of education, not the education of making the child conform, the worship of success and the division of nationalities which brings about war. 正确的教育,不是让孩子遵从的教育,不是让孩子崇拜成功的教育,不是带来战争的民族分别的教育。
They want to clear advantage to win, to keep the best British rider style, should pay attention to in the field of dignity, to be right and proper to obtain the victory of the war, rarely used. 他们要以明显的优势获胜,要保持最优秀的英国的骑士风格,要注重在战场的尊严,要名正言顺的获得战争的胜利,很少使用计谋。
It got demoralized them very much and possibly the Russian Winter saved the Russian people from being defeated right in the first year of the war. 它得到了非常多,他们士气低落,俄罗斯冬季可能免遭击败了战争的第一年,俄罗斯人民的权利。
At his right hand was the fate of jerusalem, to give orders for destruction, to send up the war-cry, to put engines of war against the doors, lifting up earthworks, building walls. 在右手中拿着为耶路撒冷占卜的签,使他安设撞城锤,张口叫杀,扬声呐喊,筑垒造台,以撞城锤,攻打城门。
Convention relative to Certain Restrictions on the Exercise of the Right of Capture in Maritime War 海战中限制行使捕获权公约
The "left" adventurism pursued by Wang Ming in the latter part of the second revolutionary civil war period and his right opportunism in the early days of the war of resistance against Japan can both be traced to stalin. 第二次国内革命战争后期的王明“左”倾冒险主义,抗日战争初期的王明右倾机会主义,都是从斯大林那里来的。
Right at the middle of civil war. 也是卡吉姆的内战中心。
So it's right in the middle of World War ll. 这刚是二次大战的中段。
It has a right to expect the artist to recognize that, particularly since he enjoys creative freedom in the mist of war that he never had in times of normal and unmolested peace. 我们有权希望艺术家承认,特别是他可以在战争时期自由的创作,从来不受阻碍的正常的和平。
Right now, America and Russia hold thousands of nuclear war heads that can be launched from one continent to another. 现在,美国和俄罗斯就拥有数千可以从一个大陆打到另一个大陆的核弹头。
Then the user can select button the upper right corner of the way the war. 这时用户可以通过右上角的按钮选择对战方式。
He was right. Now, fast forward three months and the same Mr Olmert, serving out the last few weeks of his premiership, has sent Israel's military to war against Hamas. 现在,时间快进三个月,同样是奥尔默特先生,在担任总理生涯的最后几个星期里,却派出了以色列军队同哈马斯开战。
So, if paralyzes opponent's electron and information system in the early days of the war would be crux of control initiative right of war. 因此能否在战争的初期使对方的电子、信息系统失灵,将是控制战场主动权的关键。
The Chinese people's claim of the calamity of the war is not for the economical profit only, but for defence of right and justice, all above is in order to prevent the recurrence of the historical tragedy of war once more. 中国人的战争被害索赔诉讼决非单纯是为了经济利益,而是为了捍卫公理和正义,更是为了让战争的历史悲剧不再重演。
Ethics of war includes that right ethics of war, action ethics of war and duty ethics of war on the basis of intentions and process and results of war. 根据战争的目的、过程和结果,战争伦理大致包括战争权利伦理、战争行为伦理和战争责任伦理三个方面。
The denial to seeking profits and private property right is the core of Chinese traditional economic ethic, which's modernization could be defined as to-be-capitalistic during about First Opium War to the times of the May 4th new culture movement. 中国传统经济伦理核心内容是对营利和私有产权的价值合理性的否定,中国传统经济伦理思想的近代(演变)可界定为鸦片战争前后至五四新文化运动时期资本主义性质的反传统衍变;
This thesis illustrates some opinions on the influences of the Iraq War on the future world order, the right of war, the United Nations and the International Law, terrorism and the future of Iraq. 它对未来国际秩序、战争权、联合国和国际法、恐怖主义、伊拉克的未来都产生了影响。
In The Right of War and Peace, Grotius pointed out: Natural Right is the Rule and Dictate of Right Reason, the Law of Nature is so unalterable, that God himself cannot change it. 在《战争与和平法》中,格劳秀斯认为:自然法是正义理性的规则和指令,自然法是不可改变的,连上帝本身也不能改变它。
Jiu San Society went through brewing, coming into being, and proclaiming its own proposition from 1944 to June 1946, right before the general breaking out of civil war. 从1944年到1946年6月全面内战爆发之前,九三学社经历了从酝酿到产生的过程,并提出了自己的政治主张。